

Happiness is in ready supply with sweet Mokie! He has been evaluated in a short-term foster home and is very ready to meet his new forever person or family. We cannot say enough good things about this well-mannered, absolutely beautiful boy. Mokie gets along with...


Layla is very good at stealing hearts. Happens all the time. Her foster says she is sweet, affectionate, loyal, well-mannered, and like most Corgis, extremely skilled as a herd dog. Other dogs in the house may not find that funny, so we are recommending Layla’s...


SHE LOVES SQUEAKY BALLS! This beautiful girl has been loved her whole life!. At 10, Josie is in good health with zero behavior issues. She can sit up and pose with the best of them, or simply cherish being on your lap. She is a full Cairn Terrier, a bit plump, and we...


Sweet-natured Smokey was found abandoned as a stray. He is about 12 years old, 50 pounds, and seems to be deaf. He is good with other dogs, cats, and is “house trained” overnight in a kennel. This is a really nice fellow! We seek a foster for Smokey who...


She loves adults, does well with cats, and thrives with a quiet structure. At 11, beautiful Lola has enjoyed her life fully as long as she did not have to adjust to unpredictable toddlers. She has one in her home now: Lola tries to stay out of her way, and the adults...


Cuddlebug Bonnie loves people. LOVES PEOPLE. Dogs and everyone else are fine too.  If you love speckles, she offers them in a variety of locations and options.  She likes walks, watching movies from the couch, and interestingly enough, she likes a neat and tidy house....
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