

Friends and Supporters, Meet Otis! Otis is an 8-year-old, 135-pound Lab / Great Pyrenees gentleman… In his short stay at his foster home, he has quickly gathered more hearts than a grade school Valentine’s party. Otis loves to take a walk around the neighborhood and a...


Single, free spirit looking for a like-minded person to cuddle and explore the world.  I am comfortable in any environment; I love other dogs, attention from kids of all sizes, a warm fluffy bed, and car rides.  My name is Gaston, I am approximately 12 years old, and...


Finn Needs His Home!! Finn has been fostered for nearly a month now and 100% shown the sweet nature he has inside. Age 10, about 18 pounds, he has a face and personality photographers dream about! Finn’s fosters are relocating for new jobs, and we are seeking a...


He’s adorable, sweet, easy on the eyes, and easy to have around too. This 10-year-old male Terrier mix came to us when his people could no longer care for him due to their health. Buster does well with other dogs, has been with children and older adults, and worries...


Reni is a 15-year-old Miniature Schnauzer who is both a snuggler and an independent explorer of life. We know quite a bit about her, and will gladly answer questions after an adoption application is received, Reni is thriving in a foster home: She came to us with...


This small teacup Poodle is aptly named. At nearly 15 years of age, Honey finds herself in need of a new home due to a family medical situation that regretfully requires the family to travel overseas to provide care.  Honey is not quite nine pounds, with hearing loss...
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