Dogs & Angels is a partnership between for-profit Top Dog Country Club and non-profit Top Dog Foundation that safeguards the quality of your dog’s life even in the event of your death.

When you prepare a pet trust with the help of your estate planner, you can name these neighboring facilities as the caregiver for your dog(s).

Together, Top Dog Country Club and Top Dog Foundation will ensure your wishes for your dog are carried out as you specify.

Dog & Angels: Three Care Options

  • Top Dog Foundation matches your dog with a carefully screened adoptive home. The Foundation follows the dog throughout life to ensure quality of life and if needed, the dog is welcomed to the Sanctuary (now in the planning stages) at an appropriate time. Through your estate, you specify payment to Top Dog Foundation.
  • Your dog meets the age (10 or more years, adjusted by breed) and health criteria (treatable health issues) for the Sanctuary. Enrollment fees are on a sliding scale, based on the age of the youngest owner at the time of enrollment. Payment can be through a pet trust at the time of your death or we offer significant discounts if paid at the time you create your pet trust.
  • You choose that your dog lives at Top Dog Country Club.  Through your estate, you provide the annual cost of care plus 5% for a medical fund. When age and health warrant, your dog moves next door to the Sanctuary (once it is built) with its equal accommodations and onsite veterinary and rehabilitation care.
  • We also rescue senior dogs. Their care is provided through donations.

Please feel free to contact us directly with questions at


More About Top Dog Foundation

We ensure a safe and loving home for dogs who would otherwise be euthanized due to age or health issues. Through our Dogs & Angels program, we offer an estate planning option for those who wish to plan for the care of their dogs and designate Top Dog Foundation as their dog’s legal caregiver.

With a legally enforceable trust, you have peace of mind knowing that Top Dog Foundation will either find a carefully vetted, loving adopted home for your dog (and follow up for the life of the dog to ensure quality), or that your dog can live happily in our Top Dog Sanctuary for senior dogs, once it is built. 

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