Many dogs come to us when owners pass away or move to assisted living. Most times, no one planned ahead for the dog in the event of these unhappy circumstances. We take them in, we find new homes, but we know the heartache attached to these losses could be alleviated. Planning ahead with a Pet Trust can help ensure the safety and security of your dog.

Please click through this brief introduction to Pet Trusts to learn more about the process and how we can help. Let know if you’d like to receive our free PET TRUST TOOLKIT to help with your planning process.

Planning ahead helps prevent surrender and abandonment.

We created a pet trust program to help people plan ahead, to designate someone to care for the dog when they no longer can. 

When individuals are financially able to provide funding for the care of their dog, this pet trust program also provides sustaining income for Top Dog Foundation. At your choice, dogs may live out their lives in the sanctuary (once it is built) or a carefully vetted adoptive home. You may also designate Top Dog Country Club as the residence for younger dogs if you choose.  LEARN MORE about Top Dog Country Club as a facility.

What is a pet trust?

Put simply, a pet trust is the best way for you to ensure your dog’s well-being should they outlive you, or should you become incapable of providing care. Working with your estate planner, you name a trusted caregiver and stipulate funds dedicated to the care of your dog.

Why do I need a pet trust?

Even the most conscientious and loving dog owners sometimes fail to account for every life scenario. The most common mistake is assuming that a friend or relative will take care of your dog, only to discover that they won’t or can’t afford it. In these cases, senior dogs, or “ElderPups,” often end up in shelters where they’re much more likely to be euthanized.

What if I don’t have a trusted caregiver? 

If you don’t trust someone else to care for your dog, you can name Top Dog Foundation as your dog’s caregiver. Top Dog Country Club and Top Dog Foundation Sanctuary have created a partnership called Dogs & Angels dedicated to ensuring that your dog’s latter years are among their very best.

Learn More about Three Options….. Pet Trusts:

We can send you information on Pet Trusts.  Request now.

If you want to plan ahead for care of your dog or other pets without directly consulting an attorney, we recommend the services of Covenant Pet Trust. CPT offers free kits to help with planning and through their Legacy Partners network provides national capacity to provide immediate care for a pet in the event of the death of their person. Top Dog Foundation is a Legacy Partner of Covenant Pet Trust. You can designate funds to Top Dog Foundation when you complete a plan from Covenant Pet Trust. 386-288-1339

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