It started off with sadness. Oscar’s person died, and most of the family remaining felt that at 15, he had only a little time left himself. One took him home, to give him comfort. It turned out she also gave him enough love to make life worth living. He bounced back, and unable to care for him long term, she called us for help.

Fast forward to this picture. After an autumn and first snowfalls of foster care, vet visits, encouragement to go outside to explore, and enough stamina to make it through losing the extra few pounds he carried, Oscar’s adventures are just beginning. Oh sure there are naps needed. But Louise adopted him with the best of home life, work life, and travel life ahead. She is a veterinarian, and Oscar goes to work with her every day. (No lonesome hours.) Every dog bed in the house is JUST FOR HIM. He has his own wheeled cart to help see all the neighborhood. And when Louise travels back to her native Germany to visit family, Oscar will go along, traveling securely up in the plane with everyone else who also needs time to chat, nap, and snack to pass the flight time.

Those who love Dachshunds know they are smart, crafty dogs who can figure out how the world works. Sweet Oscar found himself just the right team of folks to help him navigate to a brand new chapter of life. It’s the storytale ending everyone loves!


~ Mary Gustafson



























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