Why a Sanctuary for Senior Dogs?


The problem:

  • Only 20% of dogs live their natural life in their original household
  • 56% of dogs that enter shelters are euthanized (typically 2 reasons)
    1. Behavior
    2. Age
  • Old dogs that are given up have little chance for adoption – add a health issue into the mix and they have no hope


Top Dog Foundation’s mission:

To rescue, rehabilitate, and provide a permanent and loving home for dogs deemed “un-adoptable” because of age and health who would otherwise be unnecessarily euthanized.


The Sanctuary

Many senior dogs are very adoptable and with the right care can lead quality lives. Some are less adoptable due to the demands of their care. A sanctuary ensures that their remaining years are in a home (not a shelter) with plenty of food, a warm bed, love, and the medical care they need.

“Bentley’s Place” . . . The Sanctuary, will be a permanent home for senior dogs with treatable health issues: Not a shelter but a sanctuary.  the first facility of its kind and a wonderful setting for dogs to live out their golden years.

The facility will have private and companion suites with plush beds, soft lighting and music. It will include both indoor and outdoor parks, and a medical clinic including hydrotherapy. The residents will live with us until they die of natural causes or until their health issues reduce any reasonable quality of life. When it is time, their transition from this life will be in the arms of someone who loves them.

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